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Make-up in the style of hipsters

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Hipsters in the distant 60's of the last century called the young people who rebelled against everyday life. In those years it was a kind of protest against the grayness. Dudes were doing make-up, using the modern expression, "on the brink of a foul."

Bright colors, clearly defined eyes and lips - that the signs that characterize the makeup in the style of hipsters. Dudes look exotic birds, standing out from the crowd with their uniqueness and extravagance.

Today makeup in the style of mods is one of the hottest trends of the coming season. To look in the style of mods, you need a bright make-up, lush hair and bright mini-dress. All together, this will create a unique ensemble that is guaranteed to set you apart from the crowd and create a cheerful holiday mood.

Paradoxically, in this style of calling the main thing - to observe moderation. The emphasis should be on one thing.

Modest dress colors can be decorated with a bright belt or, on the contrary, mottled geometric pattern dress should not be overloaded with unnecessary decorations. If you decide to try make-up dudes, you should determine in advance what you are going to face stress - lips or eyes.

"Innocent pranks" or how to cheat age

If in the 40s of the 20th century on the catwalks and in cinema was dominated by charming beauties, literally radiate the charm of a mature womanhood - Marilyn Monroe, Judy Gralend, Loretta Young, then 60 years in fashion came in the image of a teenage girl. Has become a symbol of a whole generation of young Brigitte Bardot.

As bright and expressive as the make-up in the style of Chicago , dudes make-up was intended to emphasize the charm and innocence of youth. This effect girls achieved by drawing arrows themselves, swallows and maximum lengthening lashes with mascara. Make it look more expressive and the maximum depth of the eyes helped to reveal the shadow with glitter applied on the eyelids, and in the crease apply the shadow darker tones.

From beauty truly sniper accuracy required to accurately steady hand along the top edge of the eyelid eyeliner to draw a thin, yet rich line that ends in a graceful curve.

Make-up dudes - lips or eyes?

As a make-up red or black " black dress, make-up in the style of mods should be applied very carefully. After all, the slightest slip can cause an effect opposite to the expected. If your experience in applying the shooter is not great, and you are not confident in their abilities to one hundred percent, it's worth taking a little time to practice. Try to make a trial version of the shadows, and only then take it into the hands of the liner.

If you decide to focus on the lips, red lipstick that will suit a variety of shades of color: coral, brown-red, wine or pomegranate. An ideal way to make the image will be much chic shiny gloss lacquer. Bridging the contour lip pencil is not necessary, it can visually make you a little bit older than you would like.

Powder and foundation in those early years were used to a minimum - only to align the color of the face. Therefore, these cosmetic products should be used with extreme caution so as not to disrupt the naturalness of the image. To highlight the cheekbones, you can use light shades of blush.

How to do makeup in the style of mods

Take the foundation and apply it evenly on the skin

Pay special attention to the circles and wrinkles under the eyes . You can disguise them with good stick-corrector. Then brush gently apply a transparent powder. It is necessary to achieve a full merger with skin foundation, powder and corrector.

Shadow and eyelashes

Picking up a pencil or eyeliner, gently draw a thin line along the lashes, leaving little for their border. Applied to the eyelid light shade, but in the corners of the eyes is preferable to use dark shades. Shadows can be the most ultrabright colors. You can feel free to experiment and apply purple, yellow and even orange shade.

Apply a lengthening mascara on the lashes or glue false eyelashes.

Find the right tone of red lipstick and lip nakraste

Complement the enchanting image of lush hair with fleece and a cute mini dress. Style mods will allow you to reveal your personality and add the summer sun in the gray days. Do not be afraid to experiment, because they make our lives interesting and rich!

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